/*! * Feature Carousel, Version 1.3 * http://www.bkosolutions.com * * Copyright 2011 Brian Osborne * Licensed under GPL version 3 * brian@bkosborne.com * * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt */ (function($) { $.fn.featureCarousel = function (options) { // Adds support for multiple carousels on one page if (this.length > 1) { this.each(function() { $(this).featureCarousel(options); }); return this; } // override the default options with user defined options options = $.extend({}, $.fn.featureCarousel.defaults, options || {}); /* These are univeral values that are used throughout the plugin. Do not modify them * unless you know what you're doing. Most of them feed off the options * so most customization can be achieved by modifying the options values */ var pluginData = { currentCenterNum: options.startingFeature, containerWidth: 0, containerHeight: 0, largeFeatureWidth: 0, largeFeatureHeight: 0, smallFeatureWidth: 0, smallFeatureHeight: 0, totalFeatureCount: $(this).children("div").length, currentlyMoving: false, featuresContainer: $(this), featuresArray: [], containerIDTag: "#"+$(this).attr("id"), timeoutVar: null, rotationsRemaining: 0, itemsToAnimate: 0, borderWidth: 0 }; /** * Function to preload the images in the carousel if desired. * This is not recommended if there are a lot of images in the carousel because * it may take a while. Functionality does not depend on preloading the images */ var preload = function(callback) { // user may not want to preload images if (options.preload == true) { var $imageElements = pluginData.featuresContainer.find("img"); var loadedImages = 0; var totalImages = $imageElements.length; $imageElements.each(function (index, element) { // Attempt to load the images var img = new Image(); $(img).bind('load error', function () { // Add to number of images loaded and see if they are all done yet loadedImages++; if (loadedImages == totalImages) { // All done, perform callback callback(); } }); img.src = element.src; }); } else { // if user doesn't want preloader, then just go right to callback callback(); } } // Gets the feature container based on the number var getContainer = function(featureNum) { return pluginData.featuresArray[featureNum-1]; } // get a feature given it's set position (the position that doesn't change) var getBySetPos = function(position) { $.each(pluginData.featuresArray, function () { if ($(this).data().setPosition == position) return $(this); }); } // get previous feature number var getPreviousNum = function(num) { if ((num - 1) == 0) { return pluginData.totalFeatureCount; } else { return num - 1; } } // get next feature number var getNextNum = function(num) { if ((num + 1) > pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { return 1; } else { return num + 1; } } /** * Because there are several options the user can set for the width and height * of the feature images, this function is used to determine which options were set * and to set the appropriate dimensions used for a small and large feature */ var setupFeatureDimensions = function() { // Set the height and width of the entire carousel container pluginData.containerWidth = pluginData.featuresContainer.width(); pluginData.containerHeight = pluginData.featuresContainer.height(); // Grab the first image for reference var $firstFeatureImage = $(pluginData.containerIDTag).find(".carousel-image:first"); // Large Feature Width if (options.largeFeatureWidth > 1) pluginData.largeFeatureWidth = options.largeFeatureWidth; else if (options.largeFeatureWidth > 0 && options.largeFeatureWidth < 1) pluginData.largeFeatureWidth = $firstFeatureImage.width() * options.largeFeatureWidth; else pluginData.largeFeatureWidth = $firstFeatureImage.outerWidth(); // Large Feature Height if (options.largeFeatureHeight > 1) pluginData.largeFeatureHeight = options.largeFeatureHeight; else if (options.largeFeatureHeight > 0 && options.largeFeatureHeight < 1) pluginData.largeFeatureHeight = $firstFeatureImage.height() * options.largeFeatureHeight; else pluginData.largeFeatureHeight = $firstFeatureImage.outerHeight(); // Small Feature Width if (options.smallFeatureWidth > 1) pluginData.smallFeatureWidth = options.smallFeatureWidth; else if (options.smallFeatureWidth > 0 && options.smallFeatureWidth < 1) pluginData.smallFeatureWidth = $firstFeatureImage.width() * options.smallFeatureWidth; else pluginData.smallFeatureWidth = $firstFeatureImage.outerWidth() / 2; // Small Feature Height if (options.smallFeatureHeight > 1) pluginData.smallFeatureHeight = options.smallFeatureHeight; else if (options.smallFeatureHeight > 0 && options.smallFeatureHeight < 1) pluginData.smallFeatureHeight = $firstFeatureImage.height() * options.smallFeatureHeight; else pluginData.smallFeatureHeight = $firstFeatureImage.outerHeight() / 2; } /** * Function to take care of setting up various aspects of the carousel, * most importantly the default positions for the features */ var setupCarousel = function() { // Set the total feature count to the amount the user wanted to cutoff if (options.displayCutoff > 0 && options.displayCutoff < pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { pluginData.totalFeatureCount = options.displayCutoff; } // fill in the features array pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".carousel-feature").each(function (index) { if (index < pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { pluginData.featuresArray[index] = $(this); } }); // Determine the total border width around the feature if there is one if (pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".carousel-feature").first().css("borderLeftWidth") != "medium") { pluginData.borderWidth = parseInt(pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".carousel-feature").first().css("borderLeftWidth"))*2; } // Place all the features in a center hidden position to start off pluginData.featuresContainer // Have to make the container relative positioning .find(".carousel-feature").each(function () { // Center all the features in the middle and hide them $(this).css({ 'left': (pluginData.containerWidth / 2) - (pluginData.smallFeatureWidth / 2) - (pluginData.borderWidth / 2), 'width': pluginData.smallFeatureWidth, 'height': pluginData.smallFeatureHeight, 'top': options.smallFeatureOffset + options.topPadding, 'opacity': 0 }); }) // Set all the images to small feature size .find(".carousel-image").css({ 'width': pluginData.smallFeatureWidth }); // set position to relative of captions if displaying below image if (options.captionBelow) { pluginData.featuresContainer.find('.carousel-caption').css('position','relative'); } // figure out number of items that will rotate each time if (pluginData.totalFeatureCount < 4) { pluginData.itemsToAnimate = pluginData.totalFeatureCount; } else { pluginData.itemsToAnimate = 4; } // Hide story info and set the proper positioning pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".carousel-caption") .hide(); } /** * Here all the position data is set for the features. * This is an important part of the carousel to keep track of where * each feature within the carousel is */ var setupFeaturePositions = function() { // give all features a set number that won't change so they remember their // original order $.each(pluginData.featuresArray, function (i) { $(this).data('setPosition',i+1); }); // Go back one - This is done because we call the move function right away, which // shifts everything to the right. So we set the current center back one, so that // it displays in the center when that happens var oneBeforeStarting = getPreviousNum(options.startingFeature); pluginData.currentCenterNum = oneBeforeStarting; // Center feature will be position 1 var $centerFeature = getContainer(oneBeforeStarting); $centerFeature.data('position',1); // Everything before that center feature... var $prevFeatures = $centerFeature.prevAll(); $prevFeatures.each(function (i) { $(this).data('position',(pluginData.totalFeatureCount - i)); }); // And everything after that center feature... var $nextFeatures = $centerFeature.nextAll(); $nextFeatures.each(function (i) { if ($(this).data('setPosition') != undefined) { $(this).data('position',(i + 2)); } }); // if the counter style is for including number tags in description... if (options.counterStyle == 'caption') { $.each(pluginData.featuresArray, function () { var pos = getPreviousNum($(this).data('position')); var $numberTag = $(""); $numberTag.addClass("numberTag"); $numberTag.html("("+ pos + " of " + pluginData.totalFeatureCount + ") "); $(this).find('.carousel-caption p').prepend($numberTag); }); } } /** * This function will set up the two different types of trackers used */ var setupTrackers = function() { if (options.trackerIndividual) { // construct the tracker list var $list = $(""); $list.addClass("tracker-individual-container"); for (var i = 0; i < pluginData.totalFeatureCount; i++) { // item position one plus the index var counter = i+1; // Build the DOM for the tracker list var $trackerBlip = $("
"); $trackerBlip.addClass("tracker-individual-blip"); $trackerBlip.css("cursor","pointer"); $trackerBlip.attr("id","tracker-"+(i+1)); var $listEntry = $("
  • "); $listEntry.append($trackerBlip); $listEntry.css("float","left"); $listEntry.css("list-style-type","none"); $list.append($listEntry); } // add the blip list and then make sure it's visible $(pluginData.containerIDTag).append($list); $list.hide().show(); } if (options.trackerSummation) { // Build the tracker div that will hold the tracking data var $tracker = $('
    '); $tracker.addClass('tracker-summation-container'); // Collect info in spans var $current = $('').addClass('tracker-summation-current').text(options.startingFeature); var $total = $('').addClass('tracker-summation-total').text(pluginData.totalFeatureCount); var $middle = $('').addClass('tracker-summation-middle').text(' of '); // Add it all together $tracker.append($current).append($middle).append($total); // Insert into DOM $(pluginData.containerIDTag).append($tracker); } } // Update the tracker information with the new centered feature var updateTracker = function(oldCenter, newCenter) { if (options.trackerIndividual) { // get selectors for the two trackers var $trackerContainer = pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".tracker-individual-container"); var $oldCenter = $trackerContainer.find("#tracker-"+oldCenter); var $newCenter = $trackerContainer.find("#tracker-"+newCenter); // change classes $oldCenter.removeClass("tracker-individual-blip-selected"); $newCenter.addClass("tracker-individual-blip-selected"); } if (options.trackerSummation) { var $trackerContainer = pluginData.featuresContainer.find('.tracker-summation-container'); $trackerContainer.find('.tracker-summation-current').text(newCenter); } } /** * This function will set the autoplay for the carousel to * automatically rotate it given the time in the options * pass in TRUE to just clear the timer */ var setTimer = function(stop) { // clear the timeout var if it exists clearTimeout(pluginData.timeoutVar); // set interval for moving if autoplay is set if (!stop && options.autoPlay != 0) { var autoTime = (Math.abs(options.autoPlay) < options.carouselSpeed) ? options.carouselSpeed : Math.abs(options.autoPlay); pluginData.timeoutVar = setTimeout(function () { (options.autoPlay > 0) ? initiateMove(true,1) : initiateMove(false,1); }, autoTime); } } // This is a helper function for the animateFeature function that // will update the positions of all the features based on the direction var rotatePositions = function(direction) { $.each(pluginData.featuresArray, function () { var newPos; if (direction == false) { newPos = getNextNum($(this).data().position); } else { newPos = getPreviousNum($(this).data().position); } $(this).data('position',newPos); }); } /** * This function is used to animate the given feature to the given * location. Valid locations are "left", "right", "center", "hidden" */ var animateFeature = function($feature, direction) { var new_width, new_height, new_top, new_left, new_zindex, new_padding, new_fade; // Determine the old and new positions of the feature var oldPosition = $feature.data('position'); var newPosition; if (direction == true) newPosition = getPreviousNum(oldPosition); else newPosition = getNextNum(oldPosition); // callback for moving out of center pos if (oldPosition == 1) { options.leavingCenter($feature); } // Caculate new new css values depending on where the feature will be located if (newPosition == 1) { new_width = pluginData.largeFeatureWidth; new_height = pluginData.largeFeatureHeight; new_top = options.topPadding; new_zindex = $feature.css("z-index"); new_left = (pluginData.containerWidth / 2) - (pluginData.largeFeatureWidth / 2) - (pluginData.borderWidth / 2); new_fade = 1.0; } else { new_width = pluginData.smallFeatureWidth; new_height = pluginData.smallFeatureHeight; new_top = options.smallFeatureOffset + options.topPadding; new_zindex = 1; new_fade = 0.4; // some info is different for the left, right, and hidden positions // left if (newPosition == pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { new_left = options.sidePadding; // right } else if (newPosition == 2) { new_left = pluginData.containerWidth - pluginData.smallFeatureWidth - options.sidePadding - pluginData.borderWidth; // hidden } else { new_left = (pluginData.containerWidth / 2) - (pluginData.smallFeatureWidth / 2) - (pluginData.borderWidth / 2); new_fade = 0; } } // This code block takes care of hiding the feature information if the feature is leaving the center if (oldPosition == 1) { // Slide up the story information $feature.find(".carousel-caption") .hide(); } // Animate the feature div to its new location $feature .animate( { width: new_width, height: new_height, top: new_top, left: new_left, opacity: new_fade }, options.carouselSpeed, options.animationEasing, function () { // Take feature info out of hiding if new position is center if (newPosition == 1) { // need to set the height to auto to accomodate caption if displayed below image if (options.captionBelow) $feature.css('height','auto'); // fade in the feature information $feature.find(".carousel-caption") .fadeTo("fast",0.85); // callback for moved to center options.movedToCenter($feature); } // decrement the animation queue pluginData.rotationsRemaining = pluginData.rotationsRemaining - 1; // have to change the z-index after the animation is done $feature.css("z-index", new_zindex); // change trackers if using them if (options.trackerIndividual || options.trackerSummation) { // just update the tracker once; once the new center feature has arrived in center if (newPosition == 1) { // figure out what item was just in the center, and what item is now in the center var newCenterItemNum = pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".carousel-feature").index($feature) + 1; var oldCenterItemNum; if (direction == false) oldCenterItemNum = getNextNum(newCenterItemNum); else oldCenterItemNum = getPreviousNum(newCenterItemNum); // now update the trackers updateTracker(oldCenterItemNum, newCenterItemNum); } } // did all the the animations finish yet? var divide = pluginData.rotationsRemaining / pluginData.itemsToAnimate; if (divide % 1 == 0) { // if so, set moving to false... pluginData.currentlyMoving = false; // change positions for all items... rotatePositions(direction); // and move carousel again if queue is not empty if (pluginData.rotationsRemaining > 0) move(direction); } // reset timer and auto rotate again setTimer(false); } ) // select the image within the feature .find('.carousel-image') // animate its size down .animate({ width: new_width, height: new_height }, options.carouselSpeed, options.animationEasing) .end(); } /** * move the carousel to the left or to the right. The features that * will move into the four positions are calculated and then animated * rotate to the RIGHT when direction is TRUE and * rotate to the LEFT when direction is FALSE */ var move = function(direction) { // Set the carousel to currently moving pluginData.currentlyMoving = true; // Obtain the new feature positions based on the direction that the carousel is moving var $newCenter, $newLeft, $newRight, $newHidden; if (direction == true) { // Shift features to the left $newCenter = getContainer(getNextNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum)); $newLeft = getContainer(pluginData.currentCenterNum); $newRight = getContainer(getNextNum(getNextNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum))); $newHidden = getContainer(getPreviousNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum)); pluginData.currentCenterNum = getNextNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum); } else { $newCenter = getContainer(getPreviousNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum)); $newLeft = getContainer(getPreviousNum(getPreviousNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum))); $newRight = getContainer(pluginData.currentCenterNum); $newHidden = getContainer(getNextNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum)); pluginData.currentCenterNum = getPreviousNum(pluginData.currentCenterNum); } // The z-index must be set before animations take place for certain movements // this makes the animations look nicer if (direction) { $newLeft.css("z-index", 3); } else { $newRight.css("z-index", 3); } $newCenter.css("z-index", 4); // Animate the features into their new positions animateFeature($newLeft, direction); animateFeature($newCenter, direction); animateFeature($newRight, direction); // Only want to animate the "hidden" feature if there are more than three if (pluginData.totalFeatureCount > 3) { animateFeature($newHidden, direction); } } // This is used to relegate carousel movement throughout the plugin // It will only initiate a move if the carousel isn't currently moving // It will set the animation queue to the number of rotations given var initiateMove = function(direction, rotations) { if (pluginData.currentlyMoving == false) { var queue = rotations * pluginData.itemsToAnimate; pluginData.rotationsRemaining = queue; move(direction); } } /** * This will find the shortest distance to travel the carousel from * one position to another position. It will return the shortest distance * in number form, and will be positive to go to the right and negative for left */ var findShortestDistance = function(from, to) { var goingToLeft = 1, goingToRight = 1, tracker; tracker = from; // see how long it takes to go to the left while ((tracker = getPreviousNum(tracker)) != to) { goingToLeft++; } tracker = from; // see how long it takes to to to the right while ((tracker = getNextNum(tracker)) != to) { goingToRight++; } // whichever is shorter return (goingToLeft < goingToRight) ? goingToLeft*-1 : goingToRight; } // Move to the left if left button clicked $(options.leftButtonTag).live('click',function () { initiateMove(false,1); }); // Move to right if right button clicked $(options.rightButtonTag).live('click',function () { initiateMove(true,1); }); // These are the click and hover events for the features pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".carousel-feature") .click(function () { var position = $(this).data('position'); if (position == 2) { initiateMove(true,1); } else if (position == pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { initiateMove(false,1); } }) .mouseover(function () { if (pluginData.currentlyMoving == false) { var position = $(this).data('position'); if (position == 2 || position == pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { $(this).css("opacity",0.8); } } // pause the rotation? if (options.pauseOnHover) setTimer(true); // stop the rotation? if (options.stopOnHover) options.autoPlay = 0; }) .mouseout(function () { if (pluginData.currentlyMoving == false) { var position = $(this).data('position'); if (position == 2 || position == pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { $(this).css("opacity",0.4); } } // resume the rotation if (options.pauseOnHover) { setTimer(false); } }); // Add event listener to all clicks within the features container // This is done to disable any links that aren't within the center feature $("a", pluginData.containerIDTag).live("click", function (event) { // travel up to the container var $parents = $(this).parentsUntil(pluginData.containerIDTag); // now check each of the feature divs within it $parents.each(function () { var position = $(this).data('position'); // if there are more than just feature divs within the container, they will // not have a position and it may come back as undefined. Throw these out if (position != undefined) { // if any of the links on a feature OTHER THAN the center feature were clicked, // initiate a carousel move but then throw the link action away if (position != 1) { if (position == pluginData.totalFeatureCount) { initiateMove(false,1); } else if (position == 2) { initiateMove(true,1); } event.preventDefault(); return false; // if the position WAS the center (i.e. 1), fire callback } else { options.clickedCenter($(this)); } } }); }); // Did someone click one of the individual trackers? $(".tracker-individual-blip", pluginData.containerIDTag).live("click",function () { // grab the position # that was clicked var goTo = $(this).attr("id").substring(8); // find out where that feature # actually is in the carousel right now var whereIsIt = pluginData.featuresContainer.find(".carousel-feature").eq(goTo-1).data('position'); // which feature # is currently in the center var currentlyAt = pluginData.currentCenterNum; // if the tracker was clicked for the current center feature, do nothing if (goTo != currentlyAt) { // find the shortest distance to move the carousel var shortest = findShortestDistance(1, whereIsIt); // initiate a move in that direction with given number of rotations if (shortest < 0) { initiateMove(false,(shortest*-1)); } else { initiateMove(true,shortest); } } }); /**************** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ****************/ this.initialize = function () { // Call the preloader and pass in our callback, which is just a slew of function calls // that should only be executed after the images have been loaded preload(function () { setupFeatureDimensions(); setupCarousel(); setupFeaturePositions(); setupTrackers(); initiateMove(true,1); }); return this; }; this.next = function() { initiateMove(true, 1); } this.prev = function () { initiateMove(false, 1); } this.pause = function () { setTimer(true); } this.start = function () { setTimer(false); } // Initialize the plugin return this.initialize(); }; $.fn.featureCarousel.defaults = { // If zero, take original width and height of image // If between 0 and 1, multiply by original width and height (acts as a percentage) // If greater than one, use as a forced width/height for all of the images largeFeatureWidth : 0, largeFeatureHeight: 0, smallFeatureWidth: .7, smallFeatureHeight: .7, // how much to pad the top of the carousel topPadding: 50, // spacing between the sides of the container sidePadding: 10, // the additional offset to pad the side features from the top of the carousel smallFeatureOffset: 50, // indicates which feature to start the carousel at startingFeature: 1, // speed in milliseconds it takes to rotate the carousel carouselSpeed: 600, // time in milliseconds to set interval to autorotate the carousel // set to zero to disable it, negative to go left autoPlay: 4000, // with autoplay enabled, set this option to true to have the carousel pause rotating // when a user hovers over any feature pauseOnHover: true, // with autoplay enabled, set this option to completely stop the autorotate functionality // when a user hovers over any feature stopOnHover: false, // numbered blips can appear and be used to track the currently centered feature, as well as // allow the user to click a number to move to that feature. Set to false to not process these at all // and true to process and display them trackerIndividual: false, // a summation of the features can also be used to display an "x Of y" style of tracking // this can be combined with the above option as well trackerSummation: true, // true to preload all images in the carousel before displaying anything. If this is set to false, // you will probably need to set a fixed width/height to prevent strangeness preload: true, // Will only display this many features in the carousel // set to zero to disable displayCutoff: 0, // an easing can be specified for the animation of the carousel animationEasing: 'swing', // selector for the left arrow of the carousel leftButtonTag: '#carousel-left', // selector for the right arrow of the carousel rightButtonTag: '#carousel-right', // display captions below the image instead of on top captionBelow: false, // callback function for when a feature has animated to the center movedToCenter: $.noop, // callback function for when feature left center leavingCenter: $.noop, // callback function for when center feature was clicked clickedCenter: $.noop }; })(jQuery);